Sunday, February 4, 2018

Happy February (2/4/08)


I looked at Dave's blog because he gave the link but I'm not sure if I was allowed too [sic]. It was too big of a temptation. Before I did it I asked the elder next to me and he said it was OK but I don't know if that's true or not (he's not in our district and I don't think he's even in our zone; they're just visiting down here in Spokane from Colville for the day). So if you don't send me the links I won't  be tempted.

But whether I was allowed to or not, I highly enjoyed it. Preston looks so cute as a big brother. I loved all of the pictures but the ones where he was holding Franklin were my favorite.

This was not a very good week for us. We taught ONE lesson to an investigator and a few less-actives. I think we had more member visits this week than anything else combined. Our most promising investigator cancelled because their pipes were clogged. We called and talked to her that day but she hasn't returned our calls since then and they didn't come to church. Hopefully we can contact them sometime.

It wasn't very good this week as far as people talking to other people and giving us referrals goes because the schools were cancelled all week. Silly Washington, don't they know that they wouldn't have to shut everything down if they'd just PLOW THE SILLY ROADS!?! Instead of like Utah where when the snow starts the trucks are out, they have large vehicles--the kind used in construction, like Caterpillars--out randomly plowing a few days after the snow has stopped.[1]

I prepared a package and hopefully I can send it off today or this week. I'm sending a little bit of stuff I've acquired and don't want to have to carry around, as well as my splint.[2] Hopefully I won't need it anymore. I'm also sending my memory cards with an explanation of the pics. Some of them I specially want copies of for other missionaries. As far as everything else goes I don't know if I want copies or not.

I had to take over our area twice this week for exchanges. One was with Elder W. who was in the area before I was. He knew the  area and some of the people but he's not the  hardest worker and Elder C. had a really hard time with him. The next day one of the zone leaders came and it was OK. On our way home on Saturday night I got caught driving in the snow on the side of the road and Elder C. had to assist me to get out. Sad when a California person has to give driving lessons--but in my defense Utah roads are so much better than Washington roads it really is a new experience. There is a crack in the rim of our tire now, and I feel sick if it was because of my little adventure into the hard snow, especially since it's a brand new car.

Well, I feel like I'm a broken record from previous weeks, but hopefully this upcoming week I'll have more to write about and we will be more successful. Hopefully. Because I'm getting sick of this lack of busyness. Being busy wasn't fun for me  before my mission but as a missionary being busy is so much better than not being busy.

Hasta (probablemente) la próxima semana,

Elder Melville

[1] I had always believed what people told me about Utah being a terrible state, but this was one thing that made me realize that’s not necessarily true. I had two record-breaking winters on my mission, and both of them shocked me with how poorly they deal with snow in Washington and northern Idaho.
[2] I went on my mission with a sprained ankle.

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