Sunday, January 28, 2018

Wow... (1/28/08)

This is a letter I wrote the week I learned of the birth of my nephew Franklin.

Dear Family,

This will be interesting because I already wrote you a letter but you will be reading this before you read the letter. It usually does work better the  other way around because I know what you'll read first but we had some extra time this morning so I decided to go ahead and write with the pen before on the keyboard.

So I have another nephew! Wow...I wish I could see little Arnold...I mean Wilbur...I mean Franklin![1] January 24--I'll have to store that date in my memory. It will be a little harder than with Allie and Preston because  I remember the days they were born and instantly ingrained the date into my head. Let's see...what  was I doing on the 24th? I think that was the day I had to go stay with Elder S. while Elder C. took Elder J. out working in their area. Elder Spahr had to have foot surgery from an injury before his mission and then he hurt it again so he had to get something else done to it and he was/is sore. This Thursday he has another doctor's appointment and will learn if he will have to be sent home for further surgery. Also on the 24th we taught an investigator who is going through the Book of Mormon and has questions about his reading. Our ward mission leader came out with us and  answered his  questions--very detailed, very slowly, very lengthy, and Elder C. was falling asleep. But I think the investigator understood the explanations, even if they were a little more detailed than he needed.[2]

Elder L. Tom Perry was going to come out this week to speak to ward mission leaders, although that might change with everything going on with President Hinckley.[3] It is transfer week, which usually happens on Tuesday but because of an apostle in the area it was switched to Wednesday. But regardless of the day of the week, my first transfer is pretty much over. It was exactly two months ago today I entered the MTC. I still feel very green but I'm sure I'm better than when I started. Our district stayed the same, which is good because I really like everyone else, even though one companionship is kind of distant from the rest of us. It might change with Elder S. and his ankle but that's not really part of the transfer process.

Oh, today as we were coming into the library we saw nuns driving in a car. I don't know if I've ever seen nuns in real life before. We brought the sisters with us and Sister (or Queen) M.[4] said she's always wanted to get a picture taken with fellow sisters. Hopefully, then, one day they'll meet some nuns and she can get her wish. Just a random tidbit that doesn't have to do with anything...

The fact that I'm using so many ellipses kind of indicates the less serious nature of my letter. It's been a slow couple of weeks, but hopefully things will look up with fewer illnesses and warmer weather. Not only did I have to eldersit Elder S. this week, I had to stay at the apartment of Elder Cl. and Elder W. because Elder Cl. was sick. That wasn't as fun because Elder Cl. slept the whole time. On my last exchange with him I gave him my belt that fits me (since he forgot his) and wore the one that is a little too big for me and WAY too big for him. Then I forgot to get it back from him--even though we were at their  apartment for a while! I did add an extra hole to my  big belt, but still...

Before you die from choking on ellipses and before my library time expires, I will close this letter with my love, best wishes for the new baby, and looking forward to writing--and being written by--you again.

Elder Richard Mark Melville

[1] My niece, Allie, apparently began calling baby Franklin by the name of Wilbur. She also had a pet pig named Wilbur, but I would call it Arnold after the pig on Green Acres.
[2] This is my journal entry for January 24, 2008: “This morning we had to go over to Elder J.’s and Elder S.’s house because Elder S. had ankle surgery and couldn’t leave, so I stayed with him while Elder C. taught with Elder J. We had dinner with the Gibby’s and they brought their less-active daughter and her non-member boyfriend. That was kind of an awkward situation. We taught Shane and Brother Palmer talked and talked. We barely even said anything. So that was interesting. Oh, well. Then Elder C. told me I can’t do anything related to vampirism or lycanthropy anymore.”
[3] Gordon B. Hinckley died the day before I wrote this letter.

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