Sunday, February 25, 2018

Bonne Semaine, Ma Famille (2/25/08)

This continues my series of reposting mission letters from ten years ago. There was not a letter the previous week because it was Presidents' Day.

Greetings, family!

To answer your question, yes, Elder C. is good and healthy again. For some reason I have been extremely tired in the mornings this past week but I don't feel sick.

Well, there are two weeks left in this transfer which will officially be the end of my training period. I'm terrified because after that it means I'm  responsible for everything I don't know and I don't have an excuse of being trained. Of course I'll still be a greenie but my training will be up. Elder C. thinks that he will be transferred and I will stay in the area and get my mom (your trainer is your dad and your second companion is your mom). I'm scared of being the  more knowledgeable one about the area. Of course, he could be wrong, but he's always stayed in the same area three transfers and this is his third coming to a close.

It would be sad for either of us to leave at this time because the work is really picking up. Since last Sunday we got five new investigators. We're probably putting someone on date for baptism tonight. And we have an awesome fellowshipper for another investigator. Some  ward members called and told us they had someone for us to teach, and the lesson went really  well, especially since it was in the members' home  and they were able to participate and help us out answering anti  questions she'd heard about the temple. The work has really picked up and I'm excited.

With the package you send could you also send the Gospel Principles manual for Sunday School? That's the one we as missionaries attend and I would like my own copy of the manual.[1] I'm also coveting some things I'm not sure are legal, the Joseph Smith Translation[2] and the more bulky and costly History of the Church.[3] I understand completely if you can't send those and I don't really need them but I think they might be interesting supplemental material, assuming they're approved reading.

In honor of President Hinckley we (the mission) are reading the Book of Mormon in 97 days.[4] I am also trying to get through the Old Testament. This week I hope to finish Jacob and Psalms for each of those. I honestly don't know why everyone likes the Psalms so much. It's like reading the hymn book but worse because it doesn't rhyme and I don't know the tunes! I'm  trying to assign myself a number of chapters a day to get  through. I do three of the Book of Mormon and this week I'll try to do six Psalms, since I failed this week getting through with seven a day because I failed the week before with doing sixteen a day. Luckily most of the Psalms are short but I still have to get past 119--the killer one.

I'm sorry, I really don't know what to write. I guess I feel not like writing much because there's so much good that it would take too long to do everything or I wouldn't do justice to some things.

Well, it was nice to email  you  again, and hopefully I'll have more exciting news next week--which  will be the last P-day of the transfer (although technically it'll be the same for the first three days of the next transfer).

--Elder Melville

[1] Smart phones had barely been invented at this time, and there was no such thing as an iPad. It’s so weird to me that I would have to ask for a physical manual!
[2] My family later sent me the JST of the New Testament.
[3] I still have History of the Church on my bookshelf, after they sent it up with the members we lived with, but after working in the field of Mormon history, I realize how obsolete it is.
[4] Gordon B. Hinckley died at age 97.

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