Sunday, June 30, 2019

Dying, bats, and other scary things (6/29/09)

First some business:

First, I need the Weights' address because I forgot to copy it down before I threw the box away. I need to thank them for the package.

Second, I'm sorry I forgot to give my address for Terri.[1] It is
[redacted] 15th St 'E' {note again that the E does not mean east}
Lewiston, ID [redacted zip code]
I should be here at least another four weeks, unless there is an emergency transfer, but Elder W. doesn't know the area that well now, so even if an ET did happen, I could likely stay.

The last few days I have been aware of my mission mortality. Yesterday was my nineteen month mark, and for some reason nineteen months is a much bigger punch in the stomach than eighteen was. I also had a dream that it was the end of this transfer. At the end of this transfer, one of my past companions, Elder Andronicus D. (I had to give him another name since there's more than one Elder D. now), goes home.[2] I was with him when he'd been out as long as I had left--fourteen and ten months were what we each had. And next transfer is the last transfer for several missionaries who were still very young when I came out. And the group who came out one before me got their documents for going home (commonly referred to as "trunkie papers") this week--meaning I'm next. It's very depressing.

I also just had a dream that combined all my areas except my first into one. When members ask where I've served, I rattle off a long list of areas, which I never dreamt of happening.

This week we went to Lapwai, our Indian reservation, and visited a less-active member (but he's all white). At his work a bat had flown into a window and damaged itself, so he picked it up and brought it home. When we went there he was wearing gloves with the bat crawling around on his hands. He was petting it and saying how soft it was, then held his hands out for us to pet it. I was a little leery at first, but then I realized it was probably the only time I'll get to touch a bat, so I did, and it was soft. My companion declined, but when the bat got more energy and began flying around the room, it touched him in flight. It was funny to watch the cats in the room stare at the bat when it would rest by hanging on the wall.[3] I hope the bat lives; it seemed to be losing its guts out its back end, but that was before it started flying around. Maybe he just had faulty organs.

We also had to kill several wasps' nests this week. My companion thought they were yellowjackets so we bought a yellowjacket trap, but he didn't know wasps could be yellow.

Since it did last week, I thought I'd get an extra ten minutes today. But no such luck. I do have more important stuff to write. Oh, well.


Elder Melville

[1] My aunt asked for my mailing address.
[2] When there was more than one elder with the same last name, I made up first names for them from the scriptures, since I didn’t feel comfortable using their real names. Andronicus is from Romans 16:7.
[3] That house had at least a dozen cats in it.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Happy late Father's Day and Happy Birthday Nan! (6/22/09)

The time where all of the Melville children were in their 20s simultaneously has come to an end, and none of them were all together during that time. Ten more years, though, and we'll all be in our thirties.[1]

I'm sorry I didn't get anything sent off for Father's Day. I hope my loving letter will suffice.

This week certainly was new and exciting. I like my new companion, Elder W. He is from Bloomfield, Indiana. He is my tenth companion--I've had five from UT, two from NV, one from CA, one from KS, and now one from IN. My last companion was one of those jerk people who either likes people or hates them, with no middle ground, and he didn't like me.

It was also rainy. The weather's been unpredictable all week, but yesterday it rained most of the day. I like the cool, but I'm not looking forward to the impending 110 degrees everyone's telling us about.

Also, I have complained about the little blue heeler dog where we live. This week it has gone crazy and bites my companion's bike tires. He has not yet punctured them, though. Yesterday we came home after walking around, and it may have been because we were in our black raincoats (I'm not sure), but he was growling. He frequently barks but calms down when we walk by, so I just went past. But he was not calming down so I tried to get up the stairs quickly. I was wearing my rubber overshoes because of the rain, and they felt a little funny. The owner came out and apologized (the dog had never been so aggressive before), and put him away, and Elder Warren came up and found the little chunk of my overshoe he had taken out. This morning when we left he was still in his kennel, but they had put up the short line so he can't get to us. Hopefully they'll keep him on the short line, or not keep him at all, or, best yet, we'll get moved in with members.[2]

It was also the last time seeing our mission president. He shined our shoes, I assume as a type of washing our feet. He's out of the mission home so they can get it ready for President Palmer, so the Clarks are just touring the mission now, saying goodbye.

I am glad for a new start. Elder L. had some bad habits in this area and wasn't too open for suggestions, so now I have the difficult task of basically burning a lot of old patterns down and rebuilding it. I did leave Hayden stronger than I found it so hopefully I will be able to do the same thing here.

We're also unusually busy today so I don't know if I'll be able to write letters today (I couldn't last week, either). Hopefully today I should buy some new shoes, since my Rockports are too worn and my Hushpuppies aren't the most attractive.[3] I also want to buy a jumprope, because it is hard to run or bike during our morning exercise time, and hopefully really doing exercise (which few missionaries do), more than the way I've been doing it, along with all the biking now, I should come home quite slim, and have to buy new pants. (I will be worried about $$ when I get home, though.)

I can't think of anything else to write!


Elder Melville

[1] My sister turned thirty in 2009.
[2] I hated that dog!
[3] I still have the shoes I bought in Lewiston and still wear them occasionally.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

[War and] Peace (6/15/09)

[1]This week our mission president called me on Friday night. It was odd; he's never done anything like that before. He asked me how I was doing and how the area was going. He even specifically asked me about the werewolf thing which he told me to forsake back in February.[2] Anyway, I'm getting a new companion, named Elder W. I don't know anything about him, except that he came to the field at the same time I went to Ritzville (beginning of October). This is good, as I don't think either Elder L. or I could have handled another six weeks.

This past week I got to go on two exchanges--one with my district leader and one with my zone leader. Elder L. has some physical conditions that make riding a bike difficult so we walk everywhere, and it was nice to be on a bike again.[3] I'm looking forward to biking full time. I think I'll even bike when we have the car, because I want to save miles to go to the small towns we cover, and I hate finding parking spaces when we go see random people. I had worried the hills would be difficult since Hayden was flat, but only one part this week was extremely difficult, and I only ended up there on accident, anyway. I was annoyed, though; in Hayden I got my bike all tuned up, but now my first gear is acting up, so I couldn't use it to get up the hills. It wouldn't shift when I wanted it to, and when it finally would it came as such a surprise that it threw me off.

On the bikes we were able to go many places and see much more people than we could walking. Therefore, I was able to fill up our Progress Record with all sorts of reports of less-active members and bring it to ward council, which impressed them. I hope to still be able to do that. I don't think the ward distrusts me, but I don't think they entirely trust me, either, so I hope to remedy that.

I was kind of disappointed at some news. We've been teaching a girl whose parents were baptized about two years ago. Her sister will be coming up from California to be baptized. Originally it was supposed to be this week, but now they won't be coming up until August. From what the assistant who gave me my transfer call (which was another anomaly)[4] was saying, he might be another six-week companion, but I might have been inferring wrong, or he might have been inferring wrong. So, I may or may not be here until August.

I am going to send a thank you letter to Caroline W. for the big package of candy she sent me to make up for all the years I didn't go to their house on Sunday afternoon.[5]

I'm short on time :( sorry


Elder Melville

[1] My email’s title is a play on my companion’s name, but since I’m removing companion names, I changed it here.
[2] I had an obsession with the macabre and claimed to be a werewolf. I hoped to become a vampire when I died—not an evil one, more like the Count on Sesame Street. But some companions mentioned it to the mission president, and he told me to stop.
[3] In hindsight, I’m not convinced those medical reasons are the real reason we didn’t bike.
[4] Usually the mission president himself called you when you got a new companion, not his assistants.
[5] When I was seven years old, I would go to my primary teacher’s house on Sundays, and she would give me a treat. So they sent me a big box of candy on my mission.