Sunday, May 13, 2018

I already talked to you (5/12/08)

It was so good to talk to you yesterday. Honestly I was very nervous--I don't know why. I guess I figured it would be like Christmas where you'd cry as soon as I got on the phone. If you did, you hid it very well. It also scared me that half of my phone calls are over and it's seven months until the next one and I'm not even at six months now. But when I was on the phone I was holding it with my watch hand, so my excuse for talking so long was that I didn't know how long I was talking, even though there was a clock on the wall. I think my companion talked longer, though, and at Christmas Elder Ch. talked for five hours--so 68 minutes isn't too bad.

I tried briefly to look for Peter's crucifixion--I couldn't find it but I didn't look too hard.1 The LDS study aids aren't always the most helpful.

So...I don't know what to say now because not much has transpired in 21 hours. If Elder Co. lets me I'll just stay online for a while and when I think of something I'll write more.


Elder Melville

1I believe I had written a letter home that in my sleep, I had put my feet at the head of my bed and imagined I was Peter being crucified upside down. My cousin Peter had never heard of that and wanted a reference.

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