Sunday, May 6, 2018

Each saying "thank you" in his own special way (5/5/08)

It was excellent when the Welshes came back and I was able to acquire my gifts. I really am grateful for all the stuff you get me. I feel guilty asking for it all, especially when it's expensive. The History of the Church is bigger than I expected but it will be nice to have the reference. I love Joseph Smith. I also feel guilty I made you sacrifice your Children's Songbook.1 We have been enjoying the CDs.2 I remember a year ago on our road trip to Tennessee I wasn't too keen on listening to them but when your listening is limited they are good. Elder C. is sick of hymns so he is glad to have primary songs.3 There are some interesting things with the primary songs. The song "Genealogy, I am Doing It" has been changed to "Family History, I am Doing It." "Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus" (my favorite primary Christmas song) used to be called "Christmas at Zarahemla" (when it was originally written). And all of the Book of Mormon songs sound like Indian songs--the aforementioned Christmas one, "Book of Mormon Stories," "The Books of the Book of Mormon," etc. I love many of the primary songs so I like to listen to them.

Don't feel bad about the cookies.4 I liked them. So did my companion. It was just bad because we're trying to diet.

Last week I think I neglected to tell you the unfortunate news. Duane was put on probation for three more months so he can't get baptized until July. And they've become flaky--they say they'll make it to church or to a baptism and they don't. They're not golden anymore. They're just silver now.

We got a new investigator--a solid one but a hard one. She met with missionaries a few years ago but the men in her life at the time didn't want her to. Now she has her own apartment so she can. She is a former drug addict and is working on the smoking now. She wants to be a member, though, and she has a great potential. She just has a lot of problems.

A funny thing happened this week. We have a threesome of sisters in our district--Sister Sha., Sister Shi., and Sister G. Sister Sha. is the female version of me--she doesn't like sunlight, she can't ride a bike, she doesn't like talking to people, etc. We were driving home from district meeting with the sisters in the backseat. Elder C. told them about how I see music.5 Sister G. revealed that she did too and that we both saw it as the same color. Sister Shi. said that if you combined her two companions you got me. Without thinking, Sister G. said defensively, "I'm fun!" We all laughed and then she said, "Sorry, Elder Melville." It was really funny because she totally said it without thinking.

I hate to disillusion you but it sounded like in your letter you thought I paid for lunch for all the district. I don't. I bought Elder C. lunch one time because he was out of money and I save up from month to month. But I don't share as you thought I did. Sorry.

Mother's Day--We usually have church meetings from 6:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (I don't know if the morning meetings will be held with the holiday--but that's irrelevant in this letter). We will probably have dinner with members after church. My guess, therefore, is that we will get home about 6:30 or 7 and can call then. Utah is an hour ahead of us. I may let Elder Condie call first since he has younger siblings, but then again, I have a niece. So just expect a call sometime between seven and nine your time. I know that will make it hard for you with your family gatherings, but it's hard for us when right now we don't even know when we're eating.

Could I get instructions for your typical chicken gravy, the one made with flour? I'm not sure how much I'll have noodles, potatoes or rice, but I would like to have the recipe. It's hard to shop as missionaries because we don't know how long it will take us to go through something before it spoils and if we'll have to make our own food or not. That's part of how I've acquired money from my allowance.

Sister Welsh won't tell me about your conversation. She says it's from one mother to another. But I get to talk to you in a week so I'll see for real.

I know once we leave the library I'll think of something else to tell you but right now I have exhausted my ideas. Therefore, I will talk to you on Sunday. I hope I catch you.

Elder Melville

1I had asked for a miniature copy of the Children’s Songbook, and my mom sent me her old copy.
2I also asked for the Children’s Songbook CDs, which are terrible, but missionaries have limited options.
3I also listened to the Hymns CDs, which are equally terrible.
4My mom sent chocolate chip cookies, and I think she regretted they weren’t sugar cookies because those are more fragile. I was less strict on my “seasonal only” rules back then.

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