Sunday, April 1, 2018

Late P-Day (4/1/08)

If you're wondering why you're getting this on Tuesday instead of Monday, it is because we went to the temple today. We are only allowed to go on P-day once every three months, but the temple is closed on Monday. Therefore we have to email today. The temple took up a lot of time so I'm short on minutes again today. Elder C. only emails President so he has to wait a while for me. Hopefully next week we can get the full hour again.[1]

I'm going to wait on the package until after Conference. I am sending back my gray suit because both pairs of pants are worn.[2] After Conference  we get to take off our jackets and I'll be in slacks but I can't afford to have only one suit at the moment. I'm concerned about removing the jacket. It hides my obesity.

I also discovered that my camera has a video feature on it so when I send the package you'll get some video clips of me, Elder C., members, and a goofy little  dog.

I think I would like the History of the Church. Getting it sent will be the biggest obstacle, I think. If they have it on CD that would be the most economic but if not paperback would be good.

I got a letter from Bishop Jones with highlights of all the missionaries from our ward. It was good to hear Ryan [last name redacted] sent in his papers. They included excerpts from all the missionaries' letters home. To preface mine they said I charm people with my unique spirit. "Unique spirit" is clearly a euphemism for weirdo--but oh, well.[3]

I hate having such little time to email. Hopefully I really will write snail mail today and I can tell you all the amazing things happening. I'll give you a brief recap--Duane and Vickie's baptism has been postponed because Duane is on probation; some members brought a friend to church and we put her on-date for baptism, only to discover she's not in our ward; and Chelsea, a 15-year-old we taught a little bit, is on date by the elders up in Chewelah (chuh-WEE-luh)!

I hope to give you greater details!

Love, Elder Melville

[1] Elder C. was very disobedient, and he refused to write letters on P-Day “because there’s plenty of time to write throughout the week,” and he would even discourage me from writing on P-Day. What a jerk.
[2] This is one experience that has led me not to trust Mr. Mac. The pants of this suit had holes worn on the inside of the thighs, and even the jacket began wearing out after only three months! My mom took the suit back, and the salesman tried to replace it with the same suit. My mom said, “That’s the same suit, it will just wear out again.” He responded, “Well, if you’re a missionary with thunder thighs, that’s going to happen.” Not to mention the fact that they tailored my slacks (not the ones with the suits) literally four inches larger in the waist than they measured me.
[3] My mom often forwarded these emails to other ward members, but apparently she didn’t forward this one because of this “weirdo” comment. The Bishop apologized to her because he didn’t mean it that way. I mostly said it in jest, and I explained that in a later letter.

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