Wednesday, March 9, 2016

March 14-19, 2015

Time to remember last year's St. Patrick's Day!

Saturday, March 14. It was Pi Day, so I tried to look at my watch when it was 9:26 and 53 seconds, but I knew my watch was a little fast. Then I went running, first on the Wild Rose Trail, then on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. At Tunnel Springs Park, there are two dirt paths--one is a road leading to a parking area, and the other is simply a trail. Well, some truck was parked on the trail, not on the dirt road, and I was very annoyed with them. They might have been associated with a group of scouts climbing the hill, although that might have been a different day. There were also people in wedding attire on the trail, taking wedding pictures, and I thought that was a strange location. That afternoon I went shopping with my parents. We went to Barnes and Noble, where my dad got some clearance National Geographic books about national parks and state parks. Then we went out to Walmart. I went and picked out a corned beef and a cabbage, and some onions and potatoes as well. I also picked up some Lucky Charms treat bars, which I had looked all over for but couldn't find. On our way home we picked up Allie and went to Subway for dinner. Then we took our sandwiches downstairs to watch my St. Patrick's Day show for the day, the "If the Shoe Pinches" episode of Bewitched. When it was over Allie wanted to watch another episode, so we did. Then we went to Devan Gubler's wedding reception. We were standing in line behind Bishop and Sister Eyring, and they turned around and said hi to me and met my parents. Sister Eyring asked Allie how old she was. Then we went and sat on a table. I had a sugar cookie with green frosting, although it was more of a teal color, and then I had another and put some pineapple on it, which I thought was a strange topping. Allie pointed out that Jacob Gubler was sporting a man-bun, which my mom said she hated. Peter Moosman talked to us, and introduced himself to Allie, and my mom said she already knew him because she was a Facebook stalker, which somewhat offended her. I wrote in my journal:
"This morning I went running on the Wild Rose. Someone had parked on the wrong trail leading to the Bonneville Trail, and some people were having their wedding pictures taken there! 
"We went to Barnes and Noble, Walmart, and Subway, and I came home and started cooking corned beef and cabbage. We watched two Bewitched episodes and went to Devan Gubler's reception. Then I did some indexing and Hulu.

Sunday, March 15. In the morning, I had my laptop on a table in the living room, and Allie was looking for something on the table, so she put it on the arm of the rocking chair, and then she accidentally knocked it off and seemed a little embarrassed. The charging cord was broken--it kind of worked, but I obviously needed a new one, so I looked to order a new one. The reviews weren't the most positive for the one I was getting, but it was much cheaper than getting a name-brand charger. I put corned beef and its associated vegetables in the slow cooker. I went to church in my shamrock tie, and Boyd Tschaggeny commented on it, saying he would have to eat corned beef and cabbage that week. I told him I had some cooking at home, and he said, "In a Crockpot? That's the best." When I got home from church, we ate dinner, and my parents liked it more than I did. I wrote in my journal:
"Today Allie knocked over my laptop, ruining the charging cord, so I had to order a new one. To get free shipping, I also ordered Get Smart. I finished preparing corned beef and cabbage for dinner, and we ate after church. I was able to get all my blogs done.

Monday, March 16. I was a bit overwhelmed by the enormous amount of frosting on my Kneaders cupcake. I was working in the public portion of the library, and I had to keep adjusting my computer charger to make sure it would charge. That night I drove out to FHE in the Foxboro neighborhood, and I think I parked at a nearby church and walked over. Seth Wood was the first one there, and indeed most of the people who came were from our ward, even though there were supposed to be people from four wards. The bishopric counselor from the Legacy Ward was watching a basketball game, and he and Seth laughed at a commercial of a man in his underwear. Then the counselor showed us The Lamb of God, which I had seen many times, and before the lesson he said that some classical art depicted Christ as emaciated, but he was probably stronger since he was a carpenter. I didn't think it was the best planned activity. Then I went home and did indexing and was listening to my music, and I specifically remember a Taylor Swift song playing. I remember feeling weird that it was as late as it was, because daylight savings time had just happened. I went downstairs to watch Bewitched. I wrote in my journal:
"Today I did a lot on the Andrew Jenson autobiography and the Willie and Martin companies. For lunch I went to Kneaders and got Irish stew and a cupcake with a huge mint glob on top. I mostly worked down in the library. 
"I went to FHE, which was at the same place it was on January 19. The Legacy Ward counselor just showed The Lamb of God. Then I came home and indexed while Nan was here, and while Mom was doing taxes with Jackie, I watched "The Leprechaun" episode of Bewitched.

Tuesday, March 17. I wanted to get up and dressed early so that Allie and Mom could see what I was wearing--green glasses, green pants, white shirt, orange belt, green socks. At work, my boss called me up to his office to give me a "prize," and he was impressed with my outfit, saying I looked like a leprechaun. He asked if I was a holiday guy, and I said I was, and he said some people were and some people weren't. He gave me a copy of the book The Map Thief, which was the department book. His assistant Jo Lyn said green was her favorite color. When I got home, all the corned beef and cabbage was gone, so I decided to make green rice and have Hawaiian haystacks. My dad seemed to think it was unhealthy, but my mom was happy for it when she got home. I changed my clothes into a t-shirt and green shoes and green belt, and I went to institute. As I was putting chairs away, the teacher (who might have been a substitute) commented on my shoes. Then we went into the cultural hall for refreshments, where there were shamrock cookies and a green drink, which apparently had Sprite in it. I talked with Shannon Kelly, and then I went home. When Mom came home from something, we watched The Leprechauns' Christmas Gold. She agreed that it was suitable for St. Patrick's Day, and I think she said it was "pretty cute." I said I didn't like the story but thought the animation was charming, and she wouldn't go that far. I wrote in my journal:
"I was able to say goodbye to Mom and Allie before they left for school. I wore green pants, green shamrock socks, my Snoopy shamrock tie, green glasses, a white shirt, and an orange belt. Reid called me up to his office to give me a "prize," and he said I looked like a leprechaun and asked if I was a holiday guy. He gave me a copy of The Map Thief, the department book. I told him how I finished going over the Jenson autobiography.
"Since I got home early, I made Hawaiian haystacks with green rice. Then I went to institute in a green belt, green shoes, and Snoopy "Erin Go Beagle" shirt. I didn't get as many comments as I'd hoped. They had green Sprite and shamrock cookies. Then I came home and watched The Leprechauns' Christmas Gold with Mom.

Wednesday, March 18. In the morning I needed to fill out insurance stuff for my new contingent position, and I was on the slow home computer while I also had my laptop open. I was listening to my Easter music on my laptop, and I discovered that my laptop charger wouldn't charge at all anymore. I journalized as follows:
"I wasn't overly productive at work today--in the morning I looked at insurance stuff at home, I went to a Lunch and Learn about library services, and my laptop charger quit working altogether. Amazon tells me it won't arrive for a week.
"Tonight I ran further on the Bonneville Trail, but my stomach was a little off. After lifting weights, I took down St. Patrick's Day stuff and put up a few Easter things.

Thursday, March 19. I was reading the last chapter of Parley P. Pratt: The Apostle Paul of Mormonism at work. I went to tutoring, and the kid named Zion (Sione) was very chatty. I thought it was funny that a sixth-grader was giving me life advice. On the way home from tutoring, Camille asked me what I learned about at work, so I told them about the circumstances leading to the murder of Parley P. Pratt, and Camille was surprised he was a polygamist. I wrote in my journal:
"My laptop wouldn't charge, so I worked from my cubicle all day, including reading about the death of Parley P. Pratt. Then tonight I went to tutoring. I helped a middle schooler with grammar, and another one, Siane (sp?) talked my ear off as a distraction from doing his work. He told me not to do online dating and that I should stay at home to help my parents.

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