Saturday, February 27, 2016

Aaron, go brag

This is another one of those throw-away posts where I try to make sure I get my weekly post in, but I don't have a lot of time, so it's short and not very meaningful.

Anyway, I've been remembering that when I was six years old, we had little leprechaun cut outs. One of them had a shamrock that said "Erin Go Bragh" on it. Since I was only in kindergarten, I figured that was him telling a boy named Aaron to go brag. Even at six, I think I realized such a thing didn't make sense, especially coming from a leprechaun.

My mom told me it meant "Ireland Forever." I'm not sure how she knew that, because this was before the Internet was a thing.

(I was excited and confused when we went into a fabric store and it had very similar leprechauns in the windows.)

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