Saturday, December 12, 2015

Gingerbread houses

There is only one time in my life when I remember making gingerbread houses. And I'm talking about real gingerbread, not graham crackers.

It was at Christmas time in 1996. One night I remember my mom using molasses to make the pieces of gingerbread houses. The next day, we went to my grandparents' house, and my cousins also came. At that time, blue M&Ms were pretty new. I think my cousin Tammy said she had a hard time getting used to the blue ones, but I didn't remember what the tan ones looked like. My aunt had brought Snowman Peeps, which I think was the first time I saw non-Easter Peeps. A commercial on the TV had dogs barking "Jingle Bells." My cousin Chancey was singing in a nasal, highly-vibrato, pop-imitating voice, and after we left, my brother asked about his singing.

My mom and sister said it would be something we would do only every ten years. But 2006 came and went without us ever making gingerbread houses.

(Sorry this was so short; I just haven't had time.)

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