Tuesday, December 29, 2015

December 30, 2014-January 2, 2015

Time to remember last New Year's!

Tuesday, January 30. It was snowy and windy, and I think a government official on the news was asking people not to drive if they could avoid it, so I decided to work from home. I was working in the living room when lots of birds flew around the house, as if I were in a snowglobe of birds. I had to get up and take a video with my phone.
I asked my parents if they thought I should go out on the roads to go to the temple, but they helped me decide not to. I think I ate an orange. I wrote in my journal:
"This morning there was snow on our road, and the news talked about lots of accidents because of wind, so I stayed home again. I talked to Reid. Then I finished my plans for next year's scripture study. Pops showed me how to change a battery [in a car]. Twice I was sitting in the living room when oodles of birds--probably hundreds--began flying around the house. It felt like it was snowing birds. Fearing bad roads, I didn't go to the temple, so I wrote a memory post about December 30. Then I used the elliptical while watching Gilligan's Island."

Wednesday, December 31. It was very cold, and before I went in to work, I went to the Salt Lake Temple and had to ask where to go inside. They asked about how cold it was outside. When I went home, my family had bought lots of New Year's goodies. There were birthday cake Oreos and root beer and ice cream for root beer floats. I turned my 2014 music on shuffle while my mom and niece and I played Book of Mormon Battles, which is basically glorified War. I had my music's album art showing on my computer, prompting Allie to ask, "Who's Ingrid Michaelson?" She asked who was singing when a song from the album Cheek to Cheek was playing, and when I said Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett, she said it must be bad then, but I said that album was clean. Later we watched Happy New Year, Charlie Brown, and Susanne came and we watched Mr. Peabody and Sherman--I think we rented it from Amazon. Mom and Susanne thought it was hilarious when Washington and Lincoln were pardoning the dog and Clinton said, "I've done worse," and Allie didn't get it. Then we turned on Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve. Fergie was on TV and Allie called her "Fer-jee." There was some talk about Nicki Minaj that I don't know if I should repeat here. Allie was excited when Taylor Swift was singing "Shake It Off." My mom said Taylor had kind of gone off the deep end, as she was dressed more scantily than she usually was (she must have been cold!), and I said her latest songs had more swearing. After the New Year and everyone had gone to bed, I spent some time listening to New Year songs on NoiseTrade and looked at Awkward Family Photos. (This of course was technically January 1, but I hadn't gone to bed yet.) I wrote in my journal:
"For New Year's Eve, I went to work, but first I went to the Salt Lake Temple for initiatories. It was in the single digits today. I had to scrape lots of snow and ice off my car, and while I was doing so, a guy for a glass company pulled up. He was looking for 656, which I don't think exists.
"New Year's Eve wasn't too exciting. I turned on my 2014 music while Mom and Allie and I played Book of Mormon Battles. Then we watched Happy New Year, Charlie Brown, and then Nan came and we watched Mr. Peabody and Sherman. 
"After Mom and Dad went to bed, I listened to more music and looked at silly things on the internet."

Thursday, January 1. In the morning I bundled up (somewhat) and drove up to the Eagleridge church building to park my car and go running. There were lots of places where I had to run in the street because the sidewalks weren't clear, and when I got to the Bountiful golf course, the sidewalk was covered in snow and ice and I had to go really slow. On my way back, near the top of a hill I passed some girls running the other way; they said hi and I said "Happy New Year!" My cousin April came to our house to carpool up to Golden Corral in Layton. As we were pulling out of the driveway I had to tell my dad to stop because a car was coming up the road; it was Steve Moosman and he waved at us. My mom asked if we had seen the picture Sue had posted of her grandsons, and Nan said, "The one where he looks dead?" My mom was glad she wasn't the only one who thought that. April was talking about Studio C, and I said I had had a class with the short-haired girl my first semester at BYU. April liked the show but not the acting. After we were done eating at Golden Corral, I heard Jesse and Peter talking about a tree; I asked what that was about, and Peter said missionaries had visited with him and told him not to let his spiritual tree die. When we got in the car I asked how old you had to be to have tattoos, because my teenage first-cousin-once-removed had one. My mom said she didn't know how they could afford tattoos. That night we brought out questions we had answered circa 1995 and 2005 and compared our answers. Gilligan's Island was my favorite show both 2005 and 2015, and cucumber was my favorite vegetable both times. I said my favorite songs were "Memphis" by Cherie Call and "You and I" by Lady Gaga. Susanne said she loved "Brave" by Sara Bareilles, and I think she put "1D" for favorite band, as did Allie. We were amused that in both 2005 and 2015, Nan specifically said "carrots, broccoli, cauliflower" were her favorite vegetables. We discussed our New Year's resolutions. Then I watched Rudolph's Shiny New Year. This is some of my journal entry:
"This morning I bundled up and drove up to Eagleridge to go on my old running route. Due to snow and ice, I had to do a lot of running in the street and running slow. But it was glorious and invigorating, although I am a little sore. My goal was 54 minutes, but I made it 58.
"April rode with us to the Layton Golden Corral for New Year's dinner. After we got home, we set New Year's resolutions and did a 'favorites' activity. Then I watched Rudolph's Shiny New Year."

Friday, January 2. I just remember being on my computer, deciding whether to go to my stake party, and I just felt too tired to go when 9:00 came around. This is my journal entry for the day:
"I feel proud of myself for getting the year right [in my journal entry]. We'll see how long it lasts.
"I had an ordinary work day. I finished the Conversations with Mormon Historians, then worked some on the General Epistles. The Mormon Historians book annoyed me, because some previous editors 'fixed' things and made them wrong.
"I came home and took down New Year decorations, then watched Hulu. I didn't go to the stake party because it's late and I'm tired, and tomorrow we're cleaning the church, and New Year's is over."

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