Sunday, January 13, 2019

FINALLY (1/12/09)

I'm sorry I haven't been able to email for such an extensive period. We had P-day on New Year's Day, so of course libraries were closed. We were actually allowed to email the Monday after Christmas, but we were in Ritzville that day, and for some reason the library was closed that day, even though it's usually open on Monday. The next week it had snowed and the city of Cheney declared a state of emergency. In their defense, it has become hard to find places to put all of the snow, but still, the state of Washington doesn't know what to do like Utah does. The temperatures have been rising, and in Ritzville we have hardly any snow and it's been raining. It was, therefore, surprising to drive up to Davenport (amid jellied-brain thick fog)[1] and see snow still on the ground, even fresh snow, that had snowed up north but was just rain in Adams County. Even so, the Mt. Everest Jr. of shoveled snow we had at the members' house in Davenport had shrunk to about half the size it had been. We were in Spokane after Christmas and the roads were down to 1.5 lanes instead of two full ones and a curb or shoulder. They even piled snow up in the middle.

Anyway, our Christmas after I talked to you was good. We had wanted to go down to Ritzville for part of the day, but we didn't get out of the members' house until the afternoon.[2] So, we made a belated visit to someone that had invited us for Christmas afternoon (which was over when we got there), and then watched Mary Poppins with our members. I would write about what an excellent movie that is, but I have other things to write.

Thanks for the package. A while back you mentioned sending me a letter from Jesse. I still haven't received that. Thanks for the picture frame, but I don't know if I'll send mine home. I know the memory card is harder for you, but my frame allows me to view thumbnails of all the pictures so I can choose what ones I want to see. I have not been able to find such a function on yours, so I must go through all of the pictures individually, and yours is a lot slower than mine. I hope it's not too much trouble to do the memory cards, because my frame really is a lot more user friendly. You can just have yours back, unless I find out how to make it do what I want it to do. Thanks for the CDs, and I am now eating the red and silver kisses in anticipation of Valentine's Day. (I'll save the green for after--stupid M&Ms has decided green's a love color. They'll sell their all-green bags better if they market them Irish, not romantic!)[3]

I wrote down that I need to write you something about pants. I think that's just referring to that I don't need my slacks until it gets closer to conference. I hope 36 isn't too big; I don't know now if I'm 34 or 36. Sometimes I now wear my belt at a hole I couldn't fit into when I first got it over three years ago. My service/P-day pants are getting big and ugly. I wanted to buy some pants at Wal-Mart, but they didn't have the kind I want. I used to have some dark gray and black pants that were kind of thick material; I don't know how to describe it. I wanted some of those (they were very comfortable) but couldn't find any at Wal-Mart, and I don't think there's anywhere else around here that would sell them.

Elder L. was transferred to Spokane. I think we probably got along best of all my companions. My new companion is Elder [Matthias] W.,[4] from Salina, Kansas. He's number six, and only number two not from Utah. He's my first companion that's been out less time (three months [less]) than I, but he's twenty-one so I still don't have a younger one in actual age. You mentioned something in one email. I feel I should tell you that I detest the term "senior companion." The experiences of my mission have taught me that if one missionary is functioning as such, one of them is not doing his job, and I have seen both. When I was with Elder C. I figured he was my senior so I just went along with what he did. BAD idea. Then Elder D. had the term go to his head (it was his first time) and tried to exercise unrighteous dominion over me. Therefore, I don't like the term.

With the transfers I now drive more than I did. After three months of not driving I got pretty bad, especially since the roads haven't been clear. I'm getting better, especially since the thaw, but I can still improve. It's interesting; I didn't drive that much before my mission. But now we drive long distances at high speeds. This week was the first time I'd ever been able to use cruise control. Last night's fifty mile drive from Ritzville to Davenport was kind of relaxing. Then Elder W. remarked how cool the fog looked on the side, and I was thinking it did and I was glad I wasn't driving in it, but then I was. That wasn't too fun but it wasn't bad.

New Year's was OK. We had a meeting on New Year's Eve. I had fun with the screeching balloons you sent. We watched Monsters Inc. on New Year's Day (I refused the incredibly idiotic Over the Hedge), which was good but not as good as,
"And from the cathedral the saints and apostles
Look down as she sells her wares,
And though you can't see it, you know they are smiling,
Each time someone shows that he cares." :)[5]

I don't know what else to write now, because I have had to abridge several weeks, so I don't know what else is important. But if there is I'll try to write a snail mail. Of course, I always say that. At the beginning of my mission we both wrote snail and email. Then I tapered off, then you tapered off. Which is fine with me.


Elder [Jeremiah] Melville

P.S. Weeks ago I tried to get my first name taken off of mission records since I am the only Elder Melville. They could not do that, but you do not have to put my first name. In fact, if you must address me anything more than Elder Melville, use Jeremiah as my first name, with any scriptural male name as my middle. You may call me what you wish in your letters, but I would prefer a change in what you write on the envelope. Thank you!

[1] I’m referencing a line from The Nightmare before Christmas: “This fog’s as thick as, as—” “Jellied brains!”
[2] We visited some members in the middle of nowhere outside of Edwall, Washington, on Christmas Eve, and we got snowed in.
[3] In 2009 and 2010, M&Ms sold bags of all green candies for Valentine’s Day, which I thought was incredibly stupid.
[4] [Matthias] is what I put in the original letter. I made up first names for my companions when there was more than one with the same last name.
[5] From “Feed the Birds” from Mary Poppins.

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