Sunday, June 3, 2018

Funny scripture of the week: Jeremiah 24:2 (6/2/08)

1Well, this is my last week emailing from the North Spokane Library. Tomorrow I am leaving for East Wenatchee, which is fairly far from here. Today we have to work out how I'm going to get to the transfer van. I have to be at the site at 7:00 a.m. and it could be hard to get members to take us that early,2 especially since they would have to wait for Elder C.'s new companion to come at 11:00.

Wenatchee is at the western edge of our mission. (I think East Wenatchee's name is like ours is North Salt Lake.) Apparently it is like Utah County--desert on one side and mountains on the other. Everyone tells me it gets hot there, and I hate heat. Therefore, I have a request. I do not have seven short-sleeve shirts. I'm not sure how many I have, especially since one just got a mysterious stain. So I need a few short-sleeve shirts.

I just sent a package full of clothes I don't need anymore--socks that don't match my slacks, plain T-shirts I don't need because I've acquired some other shirts (and I mostly use them just for sleeping and P-day), pajamas I don't need since I got some at Christmas, unopened garments that aren't the kind I like and I have plenty, and the aforementioned stained shirt. I am almost packed, I think, and hopefully I can make it. I have to put my books in a box, and it's pretty heavy, especially with History of the Church.

My new companion will be Elder B. I think that's how his name is spelled. It's pronounced [redacted]. According to last month's mission newsletter, if B. is indeed [redacted pronunciation], he is a district leader, which means I'll have to go on a lot of exchanges. I hate exchanges. I lose track of what's going on in my area. I've never liked them since I had to do one for a week. District leaders are supposed to go on two a week, which doesn't bode well for me.

I have Mead and all the names of the ward list practically memorized. I have half of the addresses of the people we're working with memorized. All the knowledge in my head will soon be invalid and irrelevant. Time to relearn everything.

If East Wenatchee follows the pattern I've had here (i.e., four transfers), I'll be there through Halloween.3 I know I'll be there for the Fourth of July, which is coming up pretty quickly.

Um...again I can't think of anything else. I realize this letter sounds like I'm not excited, but I am actually very excited. (I wasn't too excited, though, when they made me say the opening prayer in sacrament meeting since I'm leaving.) I loved the Allie story. I wonder what she was thinking...4


Elder Melville

[This email was followed by another one, entitled “One other thing”:]

I forgot to tell companion is from Hurricane. Not that that matters, I just forgot to tell you.

That's all!

1Jeremiah 24:2: “One basket had very good figs, even like the figs that are first ripe: and the other basket had very naughty figs, which could not be eaten, they were so bad.” “Very naughty figs” became one of my favorite passages throughout my mission.

2We had a member who worked at the temple take me, since the van met right by the temple.

3Nope, I was only there three transfers.

4Allie was my four-year-old niece. My mom wrote, “I do have a quick Allie story. We were sitting in church and Allie looks up at the ceiling and says, softly but audibly, ‘Preston you get down from there. I told you not to go up there.’ I wonder what the people in front and behind us thought.” Preston was her imaginary brother (named for her real-life cousin).

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