Friday, January 30, 2015

Childhood imaginings

When I was a kid, like most kids, I liked to imagine things. So I'm going to remember the things I imagined when I was five and younger.

When I was a very small kid, my dad would put me in a backpack and go jogging with me. (I know, right?!) I remember hearing birds (I don't know what kind) and I imagined they were saying, "Big Bird!" (I was a Sesame Street watcher.)

I also remember sitting in my bedroom, hearing the train at the bottom of the hill, looking at my toys. I had a package of Pull-Ups in my room, and I imagined going in the picture on the package and playing with the kids. (I think I liked the idea of not wearing any pants.)

One of my bath toys was a little man who could sit in a little boat. I think this was it:For some reason, I got this image of the man with a string through him, and I imagined him going back and forth along the string. I have no idea where I got that image, but I liked to run back and forth down the hall, imagining I was the man on a string.

Our side and backyard have some interesting structures made with rocks. Our patio has seats made of rocks, and our backyard has four rock steps that lead to a higher level of the yard. I liked to pretend that the yard was my house, and my house was upside down, because you went up the steps to go to my downstairs.

We have a rowing machine that had a black rectangular pad on it. It was covered with specks of white, so I imagined the specks were stars and it was a TV screen showing The Jetsons. And then since I imagined it was showing that show, I then imagined it showing other shows too, and I imagined I had lots of tapes of different shows I could watch, including the Vicki talk show I used to watch with my sister.

I remember being in the living room and seeing the sun shine on the specks of dust in the air. I imagined they were snowflakes and I was out in the snow.

We had a large black umbrella, and I liked to get it out of the closet, open it up, place it in the sun in the window, and pretend I was at the beach. 

There is one incident of imagining that I don't really remember. I do remember sitting in the living room and seeing the pillows on our couch. But I don't remember doing what I did after that. Apparently, I was pretending I was baking cakes, and I imagined the pillows were cakes. So what do you do with cakes? You put them in the oven. So that's what I did. And then later my mom came and started the oven, not knowing that I had been "baking."

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