Today, I am going to remember what I can about today's date, September 14. Not because it's a significant date, but just because I can remember some things about it.
2013. In the morning, I had to walk down the street to my car, which was parked far away. I took my new Mideau CD to listen to in the car. At the grocery store, I bought some Halloween fruit snacks to put in my lunch the next week. That night, I was on the computer while my assistant clerk was helping out with membership records, asking me questions via email as needed.
2012. I drove home, and after everyone had gone to bed, I watched the sixth-season Halloween episode of Bewitched, since I hadn't watched it and I wanted to make sure it worked for Halloween. After midnight, I ate one of the caramel apple Milky Ways in my bed cupboard.
2011. It was a long day at work, and I remember telling my coworkers that I wouldn't be able to stay late the next day (since I was going to see Mary Poppins). I remember this incident, but I think the blog post I made explains it the best:
"When we send off envelopes, we put them in different color totes,
depending on the kind of order it is--distribution store and urgent
orders in red totes, international orders in blue totes, and normal
orders in yellow totes. One of my coworkers, Michelle, went to get a
tote. When she came back, she said, "We're sendin' 'em in blue." I
misheard her, and thought she said "synonym," but then I realized that
didn't make sense, so I determined she must have said "We're cinnamon
and blue," cinnamon meaning
red. Since many of my coworkers were decked out all week for the
rivalry, I thought she was referring to our shirts--she was wearing a
red SUU shirt, and I was wearing--wait, I was wearing a black shirt.
Then she said, "'Cause I couldn't find any yellow totes." Then I
realized she was talking about the totes. I didn't actually see her
bring the tote over, so I thought she had a blue one and a red one.
After a minute I said, "Why did you say cinnamon instead of red?"
She was really confused, and asked if I was talking to her, or the
other coworker, Cameron. When I realized what happened, I couldn't stop
laughing to explain myself."
When I did explain it, Michelle thought it was hilarious.
2009. This is my journal entry for the day:
"Today was a typical P-day. We did go and get the oil changed. But it wasn't all typical. We went to the Robinson's [sic] and played Bang!, but after that Elder Tamblyn was sick so we didn't do anything else." [I have decided not to write down the second paragraph.]
I think this was the first time we went to the Robinsons', since Elder Robinson, who was related to them, was newly transferred to the adjoining area. This might have been the time he drank horse milk.
2008. This is my journal entry for the day:
"The point of September was for it to cool down, but even though leaves lie on lawns, it is very warm.
"We tracted a little bit but only one person was home. We really want more people. But the Raabs might help with Glenda Lee, a potential investigator."
2002. In the morning, I noticed that the Reeds across the street had a little decoration of a pumpkin with a face, so I decided that I would bump up my Halloween starting-time to September 14 rather than the 15th. (At one point it was bumped as early as September 11, but I have bumped it back to the 15th, and now I'm going to ease into it.) Then we went to my sister's new apartment to help her. I remember sitting in a parking lot outside a store that advertised Halloween decorations, but I wasn't celebrating Halloween that year. Then I waited in her apartment and watched Roughing It, which I had rented from Top Hat Video.
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