Sunday, June 24, 2012

Three of my mom's birthdays

My mom and my grandpa have birthdays on Saturday this week. They might resent it if I told their age, so I won't. When I was thinking about remembering my mom's birthday, I could only specifically remember three birthdays. I'm only counting June 30 (I remember buying black decorations for my mom when she turned 40, but that was the day before), and I'm only counting years when I actually saw her. The last two years she was on vacation, and the two before that I was on my mission. In 2004, she was at Girls' Camp.

2007. I worked on this day. It was a Saturday, so I think my shift ended at 7. I wanted to get my mom a cake, but I had only a few measly dollars in my wallet, and I underestimated the price of cakes, so I couldn't get her one. But I was able to buy her some ice cream. I think it was some minty kind, but it wasn't mint chocolate chip. My mom was very glad I got it for her because I was the only one who did anything for her birthday.

2006. We (my mom, Nan, Allie, and me) went to Lagoon this day; I'm not sure why. I rode on the Spider and then on the Cliffhanger. I had worn my prescription sunglasses to the park, but I took them off for the Cliffhanger and left them with my mom because I didn't want to lose them. I wondered if I had sat unscrupulously because there were a lot of empty seats to my right but people directly next to each other on the left. I was wearing a Peanuts fireworks shirt. Then we went up further north in Davis County because my aunt Debbie had a visiting relative. We were meeting at a park. I met Jesse and Peter there and Jesse said my glasses made me like a jazz musician. Jesse and Peter found it funny that Allie said "Jesse" like "Jeshe." Nan asked me to watch Allie around Rhys. There was a playground at the park, and I went over to it with Allie. I pushed her on the swing and Rhys talked about how she was too young for more intense swinging. Jesse and Peter asked me how you would pluralize "Whopper Junior." I said "Whopper Juniors" but they told me it was "Whoppers Junior." (Today I don't think any of us actually care.) There were lots of elements to the playground, and I went on all of them. One of the playground elements was like a giant funnel thing; I think it was orange. I didn't know what to do with it, but I wanted to do everything on the playground, so I sat on it. Peter told me he beat me to doing everything on the playground, but I asked him if he had sat on the funnel. He hadn't, but he did and thought it was ridiculous. There was a second playground he went to. He told me he beat me to doing everything because I hadn't been to the other playground. I told him he won for that playground but I won for the bigger one. He reluctantly accepted, but he thought it was ridiculous I counted sitting on the funnel. We took pictures with the whole family and Debbie's visiting relative, but I purposely didn't smile in the picture because I wanted to be emo, but then I felt bad afterward because it looked bad. All throughout the day I kept telling my mom that I felt bad for her that we didn't do anything (such as black decorations) for her 50th birthday, but she kept saying it was OK. It turns out she actually wasn't OK with it. (And now I've revealed her age.)

2002. We (my mom, me, and my grandparents) were visiting my cousin Tammy and her family in Bettendorf, Iowa. It was a Sunday. At this point in time, I had a strange habit of gradually changing out of my church clothes throughout the day. One of the things I did in my gradual changing was pop my collar up. Tammy told me I looked like I was trying to be cool (like an 80s star or something). At one point I was looking out the window when Tammy and Greg were sitting in the living room talking. I wondered if they didn't want me in there. She made a Mexican chocolate cake for my mom and my grandpa and it might also have been a late cake for Greg. Her son, Adam, was three, and asked her about why we were having chocolate if it isn't good for you, and she told him it's OK sometimes.

I'm sorry this was a lackluster memory post. :(

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